Is your Thyroid Affecting Your Weight?


Learn why gut testing is important for your thyroid “One in eight women can expect to develop a thyroid disorder at some point during their lifetime” – Amy Myers, MD The thyroid is an endocrine gland that stores and secretes hormones that affect the function of virtually every organ in the body. This butterfly shaped … Read more

Is coconut oil damaging my health?


Is coconut oil damaging my health? You may feel more confused than ever on the subject thanks to a presidential advisory issued by the American Heart Association (AHA) stating that saturated fats, including coconut oil should be limited as it raises cholesterol levels and can contribute to your risk of developing cardiovascular disease. The AHA … Read more

How a $30 blood pressure monitor could save your life


When was the last time you checked your blood pressure? Are you stressed? Over worked? Over-indulging? Overthinking? Under-exercising? Awareness is the greatest step towards change – Investing in a blood pressure monitor to track your blood pressure could save your life. High blood pressure—medically known as hypertension, can be a silent killer. If left untreated … Read more

Top 10 Toxins to look out for in our Toxic World


WHAT ARE TOXINS? There are two main categories of Toxins: Endogenous, which are internal and Exogenous, which are external in origin. Exogenous toxins can come from the foods we consume, liquids we drink, cosmetics we use on our skin, household cleaners, smoking, drugs, heavy metals and environmental pollutants. Endogenous toxins are internal and are produced … Read more

A Simple Guide to Intermittent Fasting (includes one day RAW VEGAN meal plan)


What is 16/8 Intermittent Fasting? Intermittent fasting is a pattern of eating that alternates between periods of fasting and non-fasting. What are the benefits? Studies suggest that intermittent fasting can support healthy weight loss, improve insulin sensitivity, reduce inflammation and oxidative stress, and promote healthy brain function. Intermittent fasting is also thought to promote a … Read more

Coffee to Wake Up and Alcohol to Wind Down


“2 Glasses of wine per day = 72,000 extra calories per year = Up to 20 pounds of fat annually” Habits are the foundation of our everyday lives and are created through repetition and consistency. Some of the most common destructive habits are daily coffee to wake up and combat fatigue and alcohol to socialize, … Read more

6 Steps – 21 Days – Reboot your Microbiome


Decreased microbial species in the gut can have a detrimental effect on your immune system, mood, cognitive function, weight, digestion and resistance to illness and infection Common causes of a depleted Microbiome Overuse of antibiotics Processed sugar laden diets Sanitation Techniques Lack of fermented foods C-section deliveries Formula fed Babies Chronic Stress Overuse of Sanitation Techniques … Read more

Why Do Fermented Foods Make Me Worse?


Do you experience unexplained redness or headaches when you drink wine? Suffer with brain fog or anxiety after eating Cheese? Do you feel bloating, fatigued or itchy after consuming fermented foods? Do you swell up like a pregnant woman after a chocolate binge? Do you experience a stuffy or runny nose when you eat raspberries, … Read more

Practical Guide: Is Fruit Affecting Your Results


“Health is not about the weight you lose, but about the life that you gain” – Dr Axe Unless you have been living under a rock for the last decade, you have probably been exposed to some level of Raw food hype, detox marketing or Juice cleansing advocates and read lots of conflicting advice, especially with … Read more

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