Estimated reading time: 5 minutes
There are two main categories of Toxins: Endogenous, which are internal and Exogenous, which are external in origin.
Exogenous toxins can come from the foods we consume, liquids we drink, cosmetics we use on our skin, household cleaners, smoking, drugs, heavy metals and environmental pollutants.
Endogenous toxins are internal and are produced inside the body; these can include chemicals created by the bacteria within the digestive tract, hormones, undigested foods, metabolic processes, and toxic thoughts and emotions.
Statistically, people are living longer than ever and the average life expectancy in the UK in 2018 is 80 years old. Though we are now living longer than ever before, we are certainly not healthier. Chronic diseases and conditions are on the rise, these include: Obesity, Diabetes, Hypertension,Allergies, Asthma, Heart Disease, Hormonal disorders, Cancer, Infertility, and Auto Immune diseases. Its almost as if these diseases have been accepted as lifestyle or age related and are inevitable but there is nothing normal about disease.
Most people have heard the slogan “we are what we eat” as our body can only rebuild and regenerate on a cellular level using the fuel that it is provided but it goes much further than justthe food and liquid we consume, it’s the products we use on our skin, the pharmaceutical drugs we ingest, the products we use for cleaning the house and the environmental toxins we breath in.
To avoid all toxins would be impossible and result in obsessive stress but we can certainly implement small daily steps to reduce our toxic exposure in key areas. Regular cleansing and detoxification protocols can also be extremely beneficial at removing accumulated toxins from the major organs, blood, lymph and intestinal tract.
10 Toxins to look out for:
1 – Meat (Non organic): If you are a carnivore, then you are also eating what the animal has previously ingested or been exposed to prior to finding its way onto your plate. Commercial animal feeds can include genetically modified corn and soya bean meal, rendered meats, slaughterhouse offcuts, growth enhancers, antibiotics and anti-microbial drugs. If you’re a meat eater, try to find grass fed organic meat.
2 – Genetically Modified Foods: Genetically modified crops are altered so they can grow faster and larger, be perfect in shape, size and colour and to withstand harsh chemicals such as pesticides and herbicides. The best way to avoid GM foods is to choose organic or homegrown produce and avoid pre-packaged vegetables brought in large supermarket chains. Farmers can spray large quantities of herbicides and insecticides onto these highly resilient genetically modified crops to kill the weeds and insects without damaging the crop. These herbicides have been linked to allergies, respiratory problems, chronic diseases and neurological problems.
3 – Pre-packaged Salads: Fresh organic vegetables rinsed in water with a few drops of grape seed extract, apple cider vinegar or bicarbonate soda would be a much better alternative.Often pre-packaged salads are pre-washed in a Chlorine solution that is up to 20 times more concentrated than a swimming pool.
4 – Sugar freefood and drinks: Often contain Aspartame, which breaks down into carcinogenic formaldehyde, which is actually a neurotoxin that can damage the brain. Safer sweeteners would include: Manuka Honey, Stevia, coconut nectar or Xylitol. Soft drinks often also contain caffeine that can significantly weaken the immune system and leach nutrients from the body.
5 – Deodorant: Often contains a range of preservatives, solvents, moisturisers, synthetic perfumes and parabens. Paraben’s are Oestrogen mimics and can actually stimulate the growth of breast tumours, especially when applied directly into the tissues under the armpits. Try a natural antiperspirant or a natural mineral rock crystal.
6- Toothpaste: Avoid Fluoride toothpaste, it has been shown to breakdown skin collagen, muscles, bones, lungs, ligaments, tendons and other areas, use a herbal based toothpaste instead.
7 – Face creams: Facial skin is much thinner than any other area and can absorb toxins at a much faster rate. Face creams can contain carcinogens, solvents, oestrogenic preservatives, nitrosamines and many other toxic substances that can actually cause a gradual aging and deterioration of the skin. Natural vegetable oils derived from avocado, coconut, olive, cucumber or almond can be great for the skin and leave you with a radiant complexion.
8 – Make Up: Often worn for many hours throughout the day, make-up can contain mineral oils, preservatives, parabens, mutagens, carcinogens, plasticisers, surfactants and heavy metals. These chemicals can have an adverse effect on hormone balance, damage collagen and skin cells, speed up the aging process and can lead to chronic disease and toxicity. Always check the ingredients on the labels when buying products, choose products with fewer colours, avoid scented or perfumed products and look for organic ingredients. The best thing you can do for your skin is to drink plenty of purified water.
9 – All purpose Cleaners: often contains a combination of solvents, bleach, ammonia, disinfectants and synthetic detergents that can be corrosive and abrasive to the lungs and digestive tract. Household chemicals are largely to blame for allergies and respiratory problems, a safer alternative would be to use the old fashioned blend of white vinegar, hot water and sodium carbonate mixed in a spray bottle.
10 – Pet Food: We all love our animals and often splash out on expensive brands of pet food but unfortunately commercial pet foods contain grain wastes, meat byproducts from slaughterhouses such as pus, tumors, intestines, rejected scraps, substandard proteins, rancid fats, salt, sugar, preservatives and humectants. Animals can digest uncooked foods and we respond well to a balanced diet of fresh cut meats, fish and vegetables.