Estimated reading time: 31 minutes
“Colonic Irrigation does not completely “strip” the gut. It is a gentle procedure that stimulates the natural peristalsis of the colon to stimulate defecation, which can directly influence the fecal microbiome, but, unlike harsh laxatives or other pharmaceutical medications, does not dislodge, dissolve or degrade the delicate gut lining and its primary mucosal microbiome”
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The roots of Colon Cleansing
Historians suggest that the practice of cleansing the colon using enemas can be traced back to the Egyptians in the 14th century B.C. where they were apparently used as remedies for over 20 stomach and intestinal complaints.
Use of the enema was not limited just to Egyptians. Hippocrates (4th and 5th century B.C.), the well-known Greek physician, recorded using enemas for fevers and acute diseases. Roman physician, Asclepiades of Bithynia (124 B.C.) was well known to use enemas for the treatment of intestinal worms and fevers.
From the eleventh century to the fifteenth century, the early enema apparatus was a tube made of bone, reed or metal connected to a sleeve or animal bladder (fortunately, the colon is not a sterile environment making it more resilient to the lack of sanitization)
The 17th century became known as the “age of the enema” as in Parisian society the wealthy were known to enjoy as many as three or four enemas a day to promote wellbeing.
In spite of the surge in popularity, the real growth of the enema was in the early years of the reign of Louis XIV (1638-1715) who, it is reported had over 2,000 enemas during his reign. It was during this period that the first gravity fed colonic irrigation system was developed (known as a flexible clysmaduct)
Different Methods for Cleansing the Colon
There are multiple methods used for cleansing the colon, the most common are enemas, natural gravity fed colonic irrigation and specialized colon hydrotherapy equipment.
A traditional enema bag is designed to primarily target the rectum and lower part of the colon by releasing all of the liquid into the colon, holding for a period of time and then naturally defecating to release the waste.
Gravity Fed colonic Irrigation methods are self administered and work in tandem with the body by using a continuous flow of infused water controlled by the client to stimulate natural peristalsis to gently encourage the release of waste.
Reducing the waste within the large intestinal tract and stimulating the natural peristalsis using a series of consecutive sessions offers the potential to strengthen the colonic muscles hopefully resulting in improved long-term bowel function.
Colon Hydrotherapy is administered by a licensed colon hydro therapist, the highly specialized equipment externalizes the job of natural peristalsis and controls the flow rate and release of wastes which allows for much deeper cleansing. As the procedure is far more intense than the natural gravity fed system, sessions should be adequately spaced out to prevent the possibility of weakening or dependency of the colonic muscles.
How does colon cleansing affect the gut microbiota
The process of colon cleansing assists in the removal of fecal matter from the colon and doesn’t discriminate against different strains or community types of bacteria, therefore, it can potentially result in a substantial change in the intestinal fecal microbiota, which in turn can influence the mucosal associated microbiome.
Though, initially, this might sound negative, it is important to note that the majority of individuals in the twenty-first century have health issues originating from the gut, such as; hyper permeability (leaky gut), dysbiosis, parasitic infections, inflammatory bowel, candida overgrowth, bacterial infections, irritable bowel syndrome and auto-immune disorders to name a few
Colonic Irrigation does not completely “strip” the gut as speculated in many articles. It is a gentle procedure that stimulates the natural peristalsis of the colon to stimulate defecation, which, unlike harsh laxatives or other pharmaceutical medications, does not dislodge, dissolve or degrade the delicate gut lining and its mucosal microbiome (though it can have a positive effect as it alleviates the amount of common mucosal stressors).
Once harmful pathogens are swept from the colon, an attempted reset can be initiated and the introduced beneficial bacteria have a much more supportive habitat facilitating their multiplication, reproduction and survival, therefore, reducing the stress load on the mucosal microbiome and stimulating a more positive bacterial balance throughout the gut.
Colon Cleaning is a powerful therapeutic intervention but is not suitable for everyone and a client must be pre-screened by a professional for contraindications. Colonics should be used very carefully and in conjunction with other supportive and complimentary protocols as overuse of Colonics and/or poor reinoculation post treatment could result in a negative rather than positive effect on the gut micobiome
Colonics should not be relied on as a solution for constipation, although they can provide acute symptomatic relief, the underlying cause of the constipation has to be addressed and treated at source (often lack of magnesium, nutritional deficiencies, lack of fibre, stress, dehydration, or inactivity)
At Amity Wellness guests are offered daily colon cleansing (unless contraindicated due to health reasons) combined with Inflammation pod and oxygen therapy sessions.
The inflammation pod is possibly the most powerful healing modality, it uses a deep infrared heat that penetrates 3-5cm into the body gently expanding
capillaries and stimulating blood circulation to help to reduce inflammation, fluid retention and bloating and to enhance the release of toxic chemicals, heavy metals, bacteria, parasites, pathogens and unwanted cellulite whilst rapidly promoting the regeneration of the skin.
It is used in combination with oxygen therapy and a guided meditation to initiate a para-sympathetic state that supports the deepest level of detoxification
A simplified Analogy
Think of your colon as a garden….
The soil in this particular garden is depleted of essential nutrients and minerals, it is lacking in adequate hydration and sunlight is limited, and the pH of the soil is out of balance. Do you expect the garden to be flourishing??
There are some flowers (friendly flora) but they are weak, withered and struggling to survive in such an unhealthy terrain. More and more weeds (bad bacteria) are popping up and growing rapidly, dominating the garden making it difficult to maintain as they are stealing water and nutrients from the desirable plants and shading new seeds preventing germination.
There are emerging signs of fungal infections, unwanted pathogens, harmful insects, bugs and emerging diseases in the garden
Now think of the gut, many people think adding probiotics to their diet will fix their gut issues but this alone is like planting more flowers into a compromised garden terrain and expecting them to thrive. A better scenario is to reset/clean the garden, remove the weeds, fertilize the soil, and ensure the garden gets adequate sunlight and hydration and then plant new flowers to bloom.
A good cleansing program in combination with botanical herbs and detoxification protocols such as colon cleansing, infrared sauna, oxygen therapy and inflammation pod sessions can help the gut to reset but post cleanse re-inoculation is imperative otherwise the influential mucosal microbiome will aim to return the gut to its original state and the benefits will be short lived. (See recommendations below to help to heal the gut and support a healthy microbiome)
Research suggests that the microbiome spends years developing a stable state and without ongoing re-inoculation and dietary strategies, it will aim to reconstitute itself and return back to its original state in about two to four weeks (O’Brien et al., 2019)
Understanding the Human Microbiome
The human Metagenome is a composition of all microorganisms that reside on or within a person’s body, including the skin, lungs, mouth, nose, reproductive organs and of course the gastrointestinal tract.
Although most people assume we are the dominant species hosting the microbes and viruses, the reality is that the microorganisms that colonise us actually considerably outnumber homosapien cells. Some microorganisms that colonise humans are commensal (they co-exist and are non harmful) while others have a mutualistic relationship.
The Gut Microbiota
The gut microbiota refers to the microorganisms and viruses associated with the gastrointestinal tract. As the gut microbiota are separated from the host by only a single layer of enterocytes, the trillions of bacterial cells form a permanent threat to the host.
To prevent translocation of microorganisms, our bodies have developed effective defence mechanisms. The intestinal lining or epithelium of the gastrointestinal tract secretes a mucosal membrane that has long been considered to be a simple lubricator to facilitate passage of the fecal material through the intestinal channel; however, recent research into the gut microbiota has revealed that it is able to intellectually perform as a selective barrier. The secretion of various molecules into the lumen reinforces the barrier function on the extra-epithelial side, while a variety of immune cells provide additional protection below the epithelial layer.
In the colon, mucus is organized as a mucus bilayer composed of an adherent firm inner layer anchored to the intestinal epithelia (which contains polymerized MUC2, and does not allow microorganisms to easily invade the intestinal epithelia) and a loose detachable outer layer. The inner mucus layer can be converted into the outer mucus layer by the proteolytic processing of polymerized MUC2 by the host or bacteria.
The barriers of the large intestine (colon) are divided into two subtypes, physical barriers and chemical barriers that segregate gut microbiota and the host immune system to avoid unnecessary immune responses to gut microbes that potentially lead to intestinal inflammation. Its role in protecting the mucosal tissues and circulatory system from exposure to pro-inflammatory molecules, such as antigens, toxins, and microorganisms, is crucial for the maintenance of health and wellbeing of the host.
Goblet cells help the mucosal barrier to thicken; the outer layer can bind to intestinal bacteria and is supportive of the communalistic microorganisms, allowing them to anchor and feed whilst the inner layer provides a potentially secure barrier to protect the host from any harmful pathogenic microorganisms.
Only a single detached mucosal layer is present within the small intestinal tract and In the large intestine, where there are tremendous numbers of intestinal bacteria, the number of goblet cells is much higher than in the small intestine.
The gut microbiota is comprised of the fecal microbiota (FM) housed within the colon (bacteria can make up to 60% of the dry mass of feces) and the layer of the mucosal barrier, known as the mucosa-associated microbiota (MM).
Although most studies focus on the fecal microbiota and the mucin it contains (it is easier to obtain than a mucosal lining biopsy), it is not fully representative of the gut microbiota. The mucosa-associated microbiota is arguably the more relevant department as it is more related to human immunity and the host-microbiome interaction than the microbiome found in fecal samples, however, it is important to remember that this is highly influenced both directly and indirectly by the presence of microorganisms hosted within the fecal microbiota.
In a healthy host, the distinct inner layer of the mucosal microbiota (MM) inside the colon should remain predominantly bacteria free, whereas, the less defined outer layer is comprised of mucus, gut bacteria and dietary material.
A disrupted Intestinal Mucosal Barrier
In a healthy gastrointestinal tract, the mucus prevents large particles and harmful microorganisms from contacting the epithelial cell layer while allowing small molecules to pass. The microbiota can influence barrier function both directly, by stimulating epithelial cell proliferation and secretion of IL-8, and indirectly by producing short-chain fatty acids, which are an important energy source for colonic epithelial cells.
Bacterial mucin degradation that exceeds mucus renewal by the host leads to barrier dysfunction and has been linked to many diseases.
A disrupted intestinal mucosal barrier can allow passage of microbes, microbial products, and foreign antigens into the host. This can result in activation of the immune system and secretion of inflammatory mediators.
Both intestinal and extra-intestinal autoimmune disorders can result and Intestinal barrier dysfunction is thought to be precondition for and exacerbating factor of numerous autoimmune and inflammatory conditions, including: food allergies, microbial infections, irritable bowel syndrome, inflammatory bowel disease, celiac disease, metabolic syndrome, non-alcoholic fatty liver disease, diabetes, and septic shock
What causes an unhealthy gut microbiota?
Generally the specific strains and species that originate in our gut are primarily established in the first three years of life and are highly dependent upon birthing and feeding methods.
The equilibrium between all the different types is altered by many factors from stress, inflammatory foods, exogenous and endogenous toxins, hormones, fibre intake, lifestyle, environment and drugs/medications, antibiotics in particular.
Overuse of Antibiotics and the gut
Antibiotics can be life saving in many cases. However, they can be a big threat for the microbiota development. Antibiotics can be found in medicines, commercially raised meat and dairy, farmed fish, genetically modified produce and on agricultural land and public gardens.
The initial transmission of microbiota from mother to infant during a natural vaginal birth provides the child with microbes considered beneficial by the mother’s body.
Antibiotics are routinely administered during C- section deliveries, which can result in long-lasting shifts in the microbiota composition and metabolism. The shifts include depletion of bifidobacteria and the increased amounts of specific bacteria from the Firmicutes and different clostridial groups. This has been associated with the development and onset of allergic diseases.
Antibiotic induced disturbances of the host microbial balance during early life can also play a role in overweight, and obesity development in later life though more research is needed to provide a solid causal effect.
Farmed commercial meats/poultry and farmed fish also contain growth hormones, antibiotics, parasite medications, slaughterhouse offcuts, incompatible feeding methods (e.g. cows or fish eating GMO corn) that can negate the friendly flora.
The most commonly used Weed killer/pesticide is called Round Up (Glyphosate) and is produced by Monsanto to grow genetically modified crops such as soy, corn and wheat – it’s a powerful ANTIBIOTIC that is designed to kill weeds (herbicides), insects (insecticides), fungus (fungicides), bacteria and even rodents (rodenticides). It is used almost everywhere — not only in agricultural fields, but also in homes, gardens, public parks, schools, buildings, and forests.
Pesticides/herbicides also have the potential to deplete the good bacteria in the gut and harm the nervous system, the reproductive system, and the endocrine system.
“A new study found that bacteria can develop antibiotic resistance up to 100,000 times faster when exposed to Round up compared to without the herbicide” – Professor Heinemann, University of Canterbury
One direct adverse effect is that the administration of antibiotics can drive the generation and spread of antibiotic-resistance genes in gut microbiota.
Clostridium Difficile infection causes symptoms of chronic gut inflammation and persistent diarrhea. Unfortunately antibiotics are no longer an effective treatment, especially in recurrent forms of the disease because the overuse of antibiotics actually causes the infection to build up a resistance.
This is what led one trial in Amsterdam to begin fecal microbiota transplant treatment for Clostridium Difficile infections in patients in the intensive care unit that were almost dying and the results were astounding, with 90% of the patients cured, showing that bugs were more effective than drugs.
Amity Wellness Cleansing Programs
There are many ways to detox the body. The Amity Wellness cleansing programs are designed to allow you retreat from inflammatory, stressful and/or toxic foods, environments, relationships, negative people and habitual or addictive behaviors that help to reset the system and reduce the toxic load allowing the body to naturally detoxify using all of its main detox pathways, whilst supporting and accelerating the process (preferably without igniting a sympathetic response).
To support the cleansing process, our programs use the perfect blend and quantities of;
Fibre Blend – A combination of Glucommanan, flax meal and Psyllium, the perfect blend of soluble and insoluble fibre capable of absorbing up to 50 times its own weight supporting the removal of unwanted pathogens, assisting in accelerating the process of elimination and at the same time working as a powerful prebiotic.
Activated Charcoal – designed to adsorb bacteria, parasites, fungus, and toxins offering anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal properties.
Nutritional Herbs containing over 200 nutrients to support the cleansing process, offer anti-inflammatory properties and work as a powerful prebiotic
Bowel Cleansing herbs used to naturally soften the impacted wastes and constipated stools, assist in biofilm removal and offer anti-parasitic, anti-microbial, anti-bacterial, anti-viral and anti-fungal support
Spirulina – this prebiotic is loaded with nutrients, protein and anti-microbial properties
Coconut oil – contains nourishing fatty acids that are anti-microbial, anti-bacterial, anti-fungal and anti-viral. Consumption also helps to regulate blood sugar levels, lubricate the gastrointestinal tract, boost metabolism and provide energy.
Milk thistle to naturally boost Glutathione levels which works as the most powerful antioxidant produced by the liver.
Bone Broth – This rich source of amino acids can provide adequate protein during a fast and support gut repair and healing
Chlorophyll – this natural pigment found in greens helps to detoxify the blood and naturally bind to toxins
Garlic – This can be consumed orally in the evening broth or anally via the colon cleansing. This powerful prebiotic has been used as a natural antibiotic for thousands of years, it has anti-bacterial, anti-fungal, anti-parasitic and anti-microbial properties
Detox tonic – This morning shot uses a blend of apple cider vinegar, ginger, cayenne pepper, lemon juice and cinnamon that can help to stimulate digestion, reduce inflammation, fight pathogens and regulate blood sugar.
Super food Shots – Every morning we offer ginger tea with a powerful super food shot to provide a powerhouse of nutrients to support optimal cleansing potential.
Vitamin C – This powerful antioxidant is delivered anally via the colon cleansing procedure to speed up healing and recovery
Fermented Foods – Served daily to all of our raw cleansers, these work as a powerful probiotic to support optimal gut health, immune support and re-inoculation
Probiotics – Taken daily to focus on replenishing friendly flora. They are always used symbiotically using a targeted approach of prebiotic foods or supplements
Assist the body in the elimination of harmful toxins. Protocols can include FAR Infrared sauna, herbal sauna, daily massage, infused colonic irrigation and inflammation pod sessions combined with oxygen therapy to support all of the major detoxification pathways.
Practical tips that you can incorporate at home to heal the gut and support a healthy immune system
The 4 R’s to heal the gut
One of the most famous gut healing protocols used in functional medicine is the 4 R protocol, here is a revised version with simple, easy to achieve tips
Support Removal stage
- Quit sugar and inflammatory foods
- Activated charcoal lemonade
- Target biofilm
- Garlic soup and Garlic Oil
- Caprylic Acid cleanse
Support regulate digestion stage
- Pickled ginger
- Intermittent fasting protocols
- Relax, de-stress and Chew food mindfully
- Don’t drink with meals
- Detox tonic shot
- Add digestive enzymes
- Support the liver
Support repairing the gut stage
- Stewed apples
- Aloe Vera shots
- Bone broth
- Golden turmeric latte
- Cinnamon coconut latte
- Morning gut meal
- Rosemary oil
- Blueberry gut smoothie
- Immune boosting herbal tea
- Add gut healing supplements
Support re-inoculate stage
- Add resistant starch
- Add fermented foods
- Add prebiotics and probiotics
- Kombucha gummies
- Anti-inflammatory prebiotic soup
- Fermented hot sauce
Remove – Inflammatory Foods, Parasites, Bacteria, Candida, Infections, Toxins
The first step is to remove the underlying cause of inflammation in the gut.
IgG food sensitivity testing can be used to determine what foods are a problem for you but whether you do this test or not during the gut healing protocol be sure to eliminate Gluten, Dairy, Sugar, HFCS, Hydrogenated oils, Alcohol and Genetically modified foods.
Support Removal stage:
Stool testing is a valuable tool for identifying both acute and subclinical gut infections. Bacterial, fungal, and viral gut pathogens alter the composition of the gut microbiota and healing the gut will be very difficult while chronic infections are active
Removing infections may require treatment with specific detox protocols, herbs, anti-parasite supplements, anti-fungal herbs or even antibiotics
REMOVE INFLAMMATORY FOODS – Quit sugar and eat more Whole Foods
On average, a single can of a sugary drink contains around 40 grams of free sugars2 (equivalent to around 10 teaspoons of table sugar). (, 2019)
To get you started, Nourish your body with this simple 7-day quit sugar detox plan of nourishing, raw vegan whole foods.
Note: If you are struggling with bloating, gas or GI discomfort, try blanching, steaming or baking the raw vegetables and introducing digestive enzymes to aid digestion
The recipes are simple yet delicious and there’s no cooking required.
Stop all sugar, artificial sweeteners, sugar substitutes, processed foods, gluten, dairy, and flour products and focus solely on real nutritious whole foods.
Once the initial withdrawal period from inflammatory foods is over, Consider experimenting with more cooked gut healing approaches like AIP, GAPS, or Low-FODMAP, and then Personalized them depending on your health, results, mood, energy, performance and bowel movements
- juice of 1 lemon
- 1-2 capsules of activated charcoal
- stevia or raw honey
to sweeten, water, ice. Mix manually or use a blender if preferred.
The manufacture of activated charcoal makes it extremely adsorbent, allowing it to bind to molecules, ions, or atoms. Its efficiency at adsorbing toxins makes it a popular choice against pathogenic infections, poisonings or overdose.
REMOVE PATHOGENS AND ADDRESS CHRONIC INFECTIONS – Target biofilms (protective barriers That House and protect Bad Bugs in the gut)
Taking biofilm-disrupting supplements can help, these include: Allicin (from Garlic), N-acetyl cysteine (NAC) and good old Monolaurin found in coconut oil
Garlic has been used for thousands of years for medicinal purposes, you can consume fresh garlic daily by creating a large batch of garlic soup and freezing it into small portions (see recipe) or by making your own garlic oil (see recipe)
Garlic Soup Recipe for parasites, detox, immune support and vampires:
- 50 Cloves Garlic (30 Roast, 10 Simmer, 10 Raw)
- 1 Bunch of Chopped Kale
- 2Tbsp Coconut Oil
- 2 Tbsp. Grass Fed Butter
- 2tsp Cayenne Pepper
- 1/2 Cup Sliced Ginger
- 10 Small Red Onions
- 2 Tsp. Thyme
- Dash Lemon Juice
- 1/2 Cup Coconut Milk
- Salt and Pepper
- 2 Cups Water
Roast garlic with some coconut oil for 40 minutes then cool and squeeze out to create a paste, Add garlic paste and butter, coconut oil, cayenne, ginger, onions, Thyme, lemon juice and water to a saucepan, boil then simmer 15 minutes, add 10 more raw garlic cloves and simmer 5 more minutes.
Transfer to a glass blender, add 10 more raw garlic cloves and pulse into a smooth soup, transfer back to the saucepan and over a low heat stir in coconut milk and season with salt and pepper
Garlic Oil Recipe:
In a small sauce pan over low heat, warm 2 Tbsp. olive oil and add one large finely chopped garlic clove, remove it from the heat as soon as the garlic becomes fragrant (don’t cook), Cool, Strain the mixture and Store in a dark colored glass bottle.
Caprylic acid is one of the three fatty acids found in coconut oil.
You can reap the benefits of caprylic acid by ingesting coconut oil.
Start by adding one teaspoon of coconut oil once or twice per day to your diet a day to make sure you can tolerate it and then gradually increase the dosage to using tablespoons (Some people will experience “die-off” symptoms when they begin a virgin coconut oil detox)
The anti-inflammatory and antibacterial properties of caprylic acid can help treat conditions like inflammatory bowel disorder or irritable bowel syndrome and the anti-fungal properties of caprylic acid are thought to reduce yeast overgrowth.
Re-Regulate – Support Digestion and Assimilation
Following the removal of injurious allergens and toxins from the digestive system, it is imperative to restore and enhance digestion to an optimal level.
Support regulate digestion stage:
Use Pickled Ginger daily for 30 days to naturally strengthen the Hydrochloric acid (HCL) in the stomach, as this is your first line of defense against pathogens.
Pickled Ginger Recipe:
- 8 Ounces Peeled and Sliced Ginger
- 1 Cup Rice Vinegar
- 3/4 Cups Granulated Sugar
- 1/4 Cup Water
- 1-1/2 Teaspoon Himalayan Salt
(Pack the ginger strips into a container with a tight lid. Pour the vinegar, sugar, water and salt into a small saucepan. Bring the mixture to a boil, then immediately pour the liquid over the ginger strips. Place the lid on the container and place in the refrigerator)
* Consume ½ -1 teaspoon before meals daily for 2-4 weeks
If you don’t tolerate ginger well, I recommend drinking 16 oz. of celery juice in the morning on an empty stomach, as this will also help your digestion.
There are many different ways to do intermittent fasting, but the simplest
Method that I recommend involves restricting food intake to 2-3 small healthy meals spread over an eight-hour feeding period each day.
The 16/8 Intermittent Fast involves fasting for 16 hours. To do this you simply restrict your eating to an 8-hour “eating period”. Potentially you could stop eating at 8pm, and have your next meal at 12 noon the following day).
For a simple intermittent Fasting guide plus one-day raw vegan plan, visit our blog post on your USB or at:
Start with one or two days per week initially. Some people might discover that intermittent fasting is very easy and might wish to do it more days or all the days. There’s no right or wrong way to do this.
Each person can experiment to see what works best. If your body responds well to Intermittent
Fasting, you might wish to incorporate an extended (forty-hour) fast once or twice a month
REGULATE DIGESTION – Relax, de-stress and Chew food mindfully
Your gut is your second brain. If your microbiome is out of balance, you may feel fatigued, anxious, depressed, or brain fog. If you are constantly in default stress mode, it will take a lot longer to heal a leaky gut, as you’ll be promoting more inflammation
In addition to eating a good diet, try to get into a relaxed or meditative state prior to eating. Do this by removing all stressors, eat slowly and Mindfully chewing each mouthful to a liquid consistency, take a few deep breaths, pause and have gratitude for your food.
REGULATE DIGESTION – Stay hydrated but don’t drink water with your meal
Keep a 20-minute gap between eating and drinking (if you drink water just before eating, it dilutes the gastric juices and inhibits proper absorption) Try consuming two glasses of water at least 20 minutes before each meal throughout the day
If you have enjoyed the Amity detox tonic shot in the mornings, you can easily make your own once returning home.
- 4 Tbsp. Apple cider vinegar
- 4 tsp. lemon juice
- 2 inches of ginger root
- ½ tsp. cinnamon
- 1tsp cayenne pepper
- 2 glasses of warm water
The detox tonic is full of enzymes and good bacteria and can help to naturally re-stimulate hydrochloric acid levels in the stomach.
It is also anti-parasitic, anti-microbial and anti-bacterial. Make up a big jug and simply
Take a shot once or twice per day.
REGULATE DIGESTION – Add digestive enzyme supplements
Digestive enzymes support digestion by aiding the body in breaking down fats, proteins, and carbohydrates.
They are best taken on an empty stomach well in advance to any heavy meal.
REGULATE DIGESTION- Support the liver
To help the liver detox, consider taking milk thistle supplements, NAC, or liposomal glutathione or try some natural liver cleansing with beets:
Liver cleansing with Beetroot: Fresh Beetroot is rich in zinc and a powerful tonic for cleansing and supporting liver function.
- 1 cup Chopped Beets
- 2 Tbsp. Olive Oil
- Juice ½ lemon)
Mix ingredients together and eat at least 2 Tbsp. every 2 hours for 7 consecutive days. Eat alongside a healthy real food diet (avoid liver stressors like inflammatory foods – sugar, alcohol, caffeine, gluten, processed foods
Repair – Heal the gut
Holistic supplements and a nutrient rich diet are used to repair and regenerate any remaining damage to the lining of the GI tract.
Support repairing the gut stage
REPAIR THE GUT – Stewed Apples
Good old stewed apples have potential for healing leaky gut and feeding the good bacteria.
By cooking the apples, the pectin from the cooked apples is easily accessible to the beneficial bacteria and the lining of your gut.
Try to consume a teaspoon of the apple stew twice a day for a week. Then maybe once every few days afterwards for at least a month.
Simply chop 6 apples with the skin intact (the content of phenolic compounds, dietary fibre, and minerals are higher in apple peel), removing the core.
Fill a pot with filtered water about 1/3 of the height of the apples. Throw in some cinnamon and bring it to a boil and then simmer for about 8-13 mins. You will know when it’s done when the skin of the apples gets a little shine/shimmer.
REPAIR THE GUT – Aloe Vera Shots
Aloe Vera is a natural prebiotic, as well as a substrate for lactic acid bacteria fermentation. It is a powerhouse of nutrients and its antimicrobial properties make it an excellent choice for supporting any gut healing protocol.
Simply blend 1 large aloe leaf (6 inches) peeled and cubed) with 5-6 cups of water, lemon or limejuice and fresh mint. Once smooth, place in ice cube tray and freeze.
Use as daily shot, use ice cube substitute in drinks or blend into smoothies
For hundreds of years, BROTHS prepared from organic vegetables and wild animals have been touted for their tremendous health benefits.
The simmering causes the ligaments and bones to release healing compounds like Glycine, Proline, Collagen, Glucosamine and Glutamine that have been known to hold the power to heal the gut and strengthen the immune system.
- 4 Pounds Chicken With Bone (Feet/Neck/Wings)
- 2 Onions
- 3 Carrots
- 3 Peeled Garlic Cloves
- 1 Teaspoon Himalayan Salt
- 3 Tablespoon Apple Cider Vinegar
- 1 Teaspoon Oregano
- 1-2 Bay Leaves
- 3 Sprigs Fresh Thyme
- 5-6 Sprigs Parsley
- 15-20 Cups Cold Water
- Place all ingredients in a crock-pot and add water.
- Boil and then simmer for 24-48 hours (skim fat occasionally).
- Discard any bulk and strain remainder. Let stock cool to room temperature, cover and chill.
- Use within a week or freeze into portions for up to 2-3 months.
For information about bone broth cleansing, visit:
REPAIR THE GUT – Golden Turmeric Latte
A great anti-inflammatory alternative to regular coffee (addictive, stimulant/heavy on adrenal glands and often contains lot of chemicals if non organic).
- 1 cup coconut milk
- ½ tsp. ground Turmeric
- ½ tsp. ground Ginger
- ½ tsp. Cinnamon, pinch of pepper
Simmer for 5 minutes, pour in cup and garnish with cinnamon. Great In the winter or cooler months.
- 12 oz. organic coffee
- 2 tsp. coconut oil
- 1/2–1 tsp. ghee or unsalted grass-fed butter or MCT OIL
- 1/4–1/2 tsp. ground cinnamon
- 1/4 cup unsweetened coconut milk or almond milk
- 1/8 tsp. organic vanilla extract
- 1 scoop Collagen
- ORGANIC Brew coffee in a coffee maker
Heat coconut oil, ghee and milk over medium heat; blend with 12oz organic coffee and other ingredients until creamy and frothy.
REPAIR THE GUT – Morning gut meal
- 2 tbsp. almond meal
- 1 Tbsp. slippery elm powder
- 1 serving pea protein powder
- 1 tbsp. chia seeds
- 1/2 banana sliced
- 1/2 cup almond milk
- 1/2 cup boiling water
- 1/2 tsp. cinnamon
- Pinch sea salt
- Vanilla monk fruit drops
- Berries, chopped nuts for topping (optional)
Heat ingredients over a medium heat to create a porridge consistency, add toppings and enjoy
REPAIR THE GUT – Rosemary oil
Rosemary is a powerful antioxidant that can significantly inhibit an inflammatory response.
To make the Rosemary oil, place a sprig of dry Rosemary leaves into a glass jar and cover with castor oil or coconut oil.
Store the jar in a warm, dark place for the next 2 weeks. Strain the Rosemary. Add the infused oil to salad dressings, massage the abdomen daily with it in a clockwise direction or use to infuse bathwater.
REPAIR THE GUT – Blueberry smoothie bags
Frozen Smoothie Bags: To plan ahead of time, you can whip up some frozen smoothie bags, then just move them from the freezer to the fridge the night before and in the morning blend for a couple of minutes (add milk, probiotic, glutamine and collagen to the mixture separately in the morning)
- 1-cup coconut or almond milk
- 1/2 cup frozen blueberries
- 1 tbsp. ground flax seeds
- 2 tsp. collagen powder
- 1/2 inch ginger, ground
- 1 capsule probiotics
- 5g glutamine powder
- 1 avocado cube (freeze avo in ice cube tray)
This smoothie is the perfect mix of antioxidants, protein, fibre and good fats
REPAIR THE GUT – Immune boosting herbal tea
- 4 tbsp. dried elderberries
- 4 tbsp. dried rose hips
- 4 tbsp. Echinacea root
- 4 tbsp. astragalus
- 4 tbsp. dried or fresh ginger
Pulse ingredients in a good processor or keep whole and store mix in a jar. To make the tea, bring 1-2 tablespoons of the tea blend mixture per cup of water to a boil, and then simmer for up to ½ hour or more.
When you mix those five herbs together, you get a powerful immune boosting herbal tea. Drink 1-3 times per day for 2 weeks as a loading phase and then you can drop to one cup when you feel like it for maintenance
REPAIR THE GUT – Add gut healing supplements.
Add Collagen powder or capsules (collagen makes up the gut’s connective tissue)
L-Glutamine is a very effective gut healer because it plays a vital role in rebuilding, healing and maintaining the structural lining of your digestive tract.
Magnesium, Zinc, Omega 3 fish oil and Deglycyrrhizinated Licorice (DGL) are also very effective at supporting a gut-healing program
Re-Inoculate – Probiotics, Fermented Foods
In order to restore balance and health to the gut and body, healthy bacteria are needed to repopulate and strengthen the immunity of the gut
Support reinoculate stage
REINOCULATE THE GUT – Resistant starch
Resistant starch is a type of starch that resists digestion, reaching the colon intact. Thus, we do not see the same spikes in either blood glucose or insulin after eating Resistant Starch, and why we do not obtain significant calories from Resistant Starch.
One simple way to add resistant starch to your diet is by cooking and cooling potatoes as this causes some of their starch to convert into resistant starch taking them from a high glycemic to a lower glycemic food choice.
Consuming a potato in a cold potato salad for example would help to reduce the carbohydrate load, reduce the glucose response, and improve your insulin sensitivity.
One other simple way to add more resistant starch to your diet is to peel and freeze chopped green chalky unripe bananas and add them to your daily smoothies.
Studies indicate that resistant starch can be beneficial for the good bacteria in the gut, when consumed in quantities around 15 to 30 grams daily (equivalent to two to four tablespoons of potato starch).
Note: If resistant starch causes GI symptoms then it is a good idea to get tested for Microbial Dysbiosis and/or SIBO (small intestinal bacterial overgrowth).
REINOCULATE THE GUT – Fermented foods
These provide beneficial enzymes, B-vitamins, Omega-3 fatty acids, and
Various strains of friendly flora.
The most superior way to obtain probiotics or potential beneficial bacteria is via a range of fermented foods.
Fermented foods can contain up-to 10 trillion Colony forming units of bacteria per serving, whereas standard probiotics usually only deliver 10 billion colony-forming units of bacteria.
Try to eat at least one serving of fermented foods per day and diversity is imperative so alternate the type of fermented foods you are consuming to make the microbiome strong and resilient and rich in diversity.
Experiment by gradually titrating up the consumption of probiotic rich fermented foods, such as; Kim chi, sauerkraut, kefir, kombucha, miso and pickled rainbow colored vegetables.
REINOCULATE THE GUT – Add prebiotics and probiotics
Add Prebiotics: these are fibers that escape digestion in the small intestine and when reaching the colon, they are partially or completely fermented by the gut microbiota.
Because the microbes that can degrade the fiber are favoured in their growth the composition and the activity of the gut microbiota changes which is beneficial for the host.
Diets that are excessively low in carbohydrates, especially when lacking is prebiotic fibres can have a detrimental effect on beneficial bacteria in the gut leading to a dysbiotic state.
People who want to enhance their gut health may wish to include more of the following prebiotic-rich foods in their diet:
Fibre rich foods, leeks, asparagus, garlic, fennel, onion, endives, artichokes,
Brussels sprouts, some fruits, unripe banana, chicory, bamboo shoots, beets, resistant starch
Add Probiotics
Probiotics: these are live microorganisms which, when administered in adequate amounts, confers a health benefit on the host.
A probiotics can compensate an undesired change in our gut microbiota due to antibiotics or an infection by shortening the time of recovery of the microbiota.
A probiotic can strengthen the immune system. It can also provide health-promoting short-chain fatty acids. And finally probiotics can prevent infection with pathogens.
Until your gut is repaired, it’s good to incorporate a soil-based probiotic that contains spore-forming bacteria, which are able to bypass your small intestine and colonize your colon and large intestine instead.
Side note on probiotic supplements: what’s more important than the dose is that they are taken symbiotically.
Think of probiotics as ‘potential beneficial bacteria’ and prebiotics as the foods that are needed for the probiotics to survive and colonize the gut. Taking one without the other will not be effective in the long term.
REINOCULATE THE GUT – Kombucha gummies
- 1 cup kombucha
- ½ of a ripe mango (optional)
- ¼ cup warm water
- ¼ cup of gelatin
- Coconut oil
Blend mango. Whisk ¼ cup of the kombucha and ¼ of gelatin together. Whisk in mango and ½ cup of hot water. When smooth, mix in the remaining kombucha and pour into silicone molds. (Keeps 10 days in airtight container in fridge) or freeze for up to one month
REINOCULATE THE GUT – Anti-inflammatory prebiotic soup
- 1 tablespoon olive oil
- 1 sliced leek
- 1 cup chopped fennel (1 small head)
- 3 cups chopped carrots
- 1 cup chopped butternut squash
- 5 garlic cloves , minced
- 1 tablespoon grated ginger (about 2″ piece)
- 1 tablespoon turmeric powder
- Salt & pepper to taste
- 3 cups low sodium vegetable broth
- 1 (14.5 oz.) can lite coconut milk
Heat olive oil with fennel, leek, squash and carrots. After 5 minutes sauté, add garlic, turmeric, ginger, salt and pepper. Add coconut milk and broth, boil and simmer for 20 mins. Transfer to blender to make it smooth and creamy.
REINOCULATE THE GUT – Fermented hot sauce
- 2 pounds fresh chilies
- 6 cloves garlic
- 3 tablespoons fine sea salt
- 4 cups warm water
Half chili long ways and pack into a quart sized Mason jar leaving 1-inch headspace. Add garlic.
Dissolve salt in water and pour over chilis, weighting it to keep them submerged. Seal hat tightly allowing chili to ferment for 2 or 3 weeks. Strain and Blend chili with one cup of the strained water. Keep in refrigerator up to one year.
Place a weight over the chilies and garlic so they remain submerged beneath the brine. Seal the jar tightly with an air locked lid, and allow the chilies to ferment at room temperature 2 to 3 weeks, or until they smell and taste pleasantly sour.
Note: this recipe isn’t suitable if you are FODMAP sensitive
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Author: Michelle Cooper
Michelle Cooper has an unwavering passion for health, she is the co-founder of Amity Wellness Retreats, Body Mind Detox Consultancy and The Vitality box.
Michelle is certified as a functional medicine practitioner, detox specialist and diagnostic nutrition coach with complimentary studies in Anatomy and Physiology and the human microbiome.