Top 10 Tips for Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle while Socializing

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At Amity Wellness in Phuket, Thailand, we offer detox programs that can help to reset the whole system. Each of our specialized cleansing programs incorporates powerful healing modalities that include therapeutic massage, colon cleansing, inflammation pods and structured detoxification protocols. For more information visit:

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Top 10 Tips for Maintaining a Healthy Lifestyle while Socializing

Are you looking to strike a balance between maintaining a healthy lifestyle and enjoying social gatherings? Look no further! In today’s fast-paced world, it’s essential to prioritize our well-being while still savoring moments with friends and family. That’s why we’ve curated the top 10 tips to help you seamlessly integrate health into your social life. From mindful eating strategies to staying active during outings, we’ve got you covered. And if you’re seeking a deeper rejuvenation, consider complementing these tips with a transformative detox retreat. Ready to embark on a journey to wellness?

Healthy Lifestyle while Socializing - Have A Plan

Have a plan

Know your restaurant/café menu, some places display it online and most will email to you upon request.

Check it out in advance and prepare what you will order ahead of time so you don’t give into temptation.

Eat a healthy snack

About one hour prior to going out to eat with friends or drink a simple high fibre smoothie (add chia or flax) so that you are not starving and less likely to over indulge.

Healthy Lifestyle while Socializing - Healthy Snack
Healthy Lifestyle while Socializing - Share Starter

Try sharing a starter

Share a starter with someone else and skip dessert (desserts spelled backwards is stressed and this is exactly what it does to your system)

Order a side glass of water

If drinking alcohol, always order a side glass of water and try to drink 1-2 waters per one alcoholic drink to stay hydrated if you can and consider taking some activated charcoal with plenty of water before bed to help to counter balance the harmful effects of alcohol and prevent a heavy head the following morning.

Activated charcoal can interfere with certain medications and alcohol can be dangerous with some medications, always be sure to supplement wisely under the supervision of a healthcare provider.

Healthy Lifestyle while Socializing - Water
Healthy Lifestyle while Socializing - Load up on Veggies

Load up on veggies

Load up on veggies, quality proteins, high fibre veggies and good fats but watch out for starchy or refined carbs and creamy or sweet sauces and dressings

Eat slowly and chew the food thoroughly

Eat slowly and chew the food thoroughly before you swallow, it takes approx. 20 minutes for the satiety hormones to register to the brain that you are full

Healthy Lifestyle while Socializing - Eat Slowly
Healthy Lifestyle while Socializing - Intermittent Fasting

Intermittent fasting or detox protocols

Consider implementing some intermittent fasting or detox protocols during the week (start with fasting window 16hrs, eating window 8hrs and build up to longer fasting periods if you feel confortable or choose a one day of smoothies or mini raw food cleanse)

Try healthier activities

Encourage your friends to try socializing around some healthier activities, suggest a group walk or going dancing, a healthy picnic, a healthy restaurant, a bike ride etc. You might be surprised how much everyone enjoys it!

Healthy Lifestyle while Socializing - Healthy Activities
Healthy Lifestyle while Socializing - Superfood Smoothie

Drink a superfood smoothie

Drink a superfood smoothie the following morning after bad food or alcohol instead of stodgy comfort hangover food to replenish the body with plenty of nutrients

Like-minded people

Be sure to surround yourself with like-minded people who will support you in your goals for health and vitality

Healthy Lifestyle while Socializing - Like-minded people

As we wrap up our exploration of balancing health and social life, remember that prioritizing your well-being doesn’t mean missing out on fun times with friends and family. By incorporating these top 10 tips into your lifestyle, you can enjoy the best of both worlds – vibrant social connections and a thriving body and mind.

And if you’re ready to take your wellness journey to the next level, consider joining us on a transformative detox retreat. It’s a fantastic opportunity to reset, rejuvenate, and reconnect with yourself on a deeper level. Click here to learn more and start your journey to holistic wellness today.

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