Estimated reading time: 3 minutes
Do or Do Not – there is no try – Yoda
It’s pretty simple we either do or we do not. What stops us from nailing the Do? I mean we set our intentions, we say the mantras, secret it to death, have the vision boards and some of us may even sprinkle some magic pixie dust on it. We are positive, optimistic, and the glass is half full with a cheery garnish. “Dreamers are often no doers” – Gabrielle Octtigen
Gabrielle Octtingen is one of the leading researchers in the New Science of Motivation, and I was blown away by her talk on You Tube Rethinking Positive Thinking and which led me to pick up her book, of the same name.
Through her research she has found that being optimistic and positive is only one part of the equation. Most people stop with just the dreaming and thinking. According to Octtingen “We’ve seen that the principle of ‘Dream it. Wish it. Do it.’ does not hold true, and now we know why: in dreaming it, you undercut the energy you need to do it. You put yourself in a temporary state of bliss, calmness and lethargy.” What’s missing is that all important next step and the most important – the Doing.
Octtigen has come up with WOOP, a 4 point strategy for turning positive thinking into a reality .
W – wish what do you want to see in your life ?
O – outcome what is the #1 benefit that would experience as a result ?
O – obstacle – what obstacle “within you “ stands in your way -key word “within you “ now doesn’t that just scream being 100% responsible for your results., something I love !
P – plan – If this occurs _________ then I will __________________.
Octtingen is adamant about the role we must take in assuming responsibility of our own lives . According to Octtigen “To make the most of our lives, we must face up to the role we play in hamstringing our own wishes. Doing so isn’t complicated, but it is profound and life changing. With WOOP and mental contrasting, we motivate and empower ourselves to take action when it will really benefit us and those around us.”
Want to be the hero of your own story? Stop rejecting and devaluing yourself; you need to take massive action. We don’t need the perfect plan to start; or even kid ourselves that we need to be perfect. What we need is the honesty and courage to take that fearful look in the mirror and ask ourselves “What obstacle within me stands in my way”? Sometimes our biggest obstacle is how we think we are loving and accepting ourselves by simple reverting to auto pilot to guide us through our own self imposed turbulence.
Many thanks to Darren Scherbain at Old Dawg Coaching for contributing this months Amity Wellness blog post