Create a better world for our future generations

At Amity Wellness, we care about the future of our world and we do our best to reduce the amount of plastic that we use.  Currently all of our takeaway containers, bags, straws and cutlery are made from environmentally degradable Green Plastic.
Environmentally Degradable Plastic (EDP) is plastic that degrades in the external environment with heat, moisture, oxygen, rain, and wind.  The plastic molecules are broken down into small molecules that micro-organisms (bacteria) in the environment can consume as food.


In your room, you will find a Refillable BPA free water bottle to use throughout your stay.  All of the purified water provided in the dispensers around the retreat goes through a six step filtration process and currently sits between grade 0-3 (0- is the purest grade and 100 is the poorest grade).

In your welcome kit, you will be provided with a digital library that contains invaluable resources, such as recipes, information, handouts, e-books, meditations etc.

The Amity Wellness handbook and all of the handouts can be found in digital format, should you wish to return your paper copies to the office for recycling.

If you don’t wish to have your sheets and towels changed daily, then please let the office know your preferences so we can communicate with the cleaners.  All of our old towels are donated to a local dog shelter.


In some areas of the retreat, we are required to use specialized cleansing products that do contain stronger chemicals but for the main communal areas and guest rooms, we purchase homemade cleaning produce that is made by the sunshine village orphanage to raise funds for the children.  We also use traditional and natural remedies in most areas of the retreat.


Organic and homemade toiletries created by little miss raw are available for purchase through the Amity shop that is located onsite.  Products available for purchase include toothpaste, body scrubs, moisturizer, sun cream and lip balms.
Citronella oil mosquito repellant and a full range of other health products is also available in the Amity store.

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